Easy Softpedia

Boss 3: Digo Baron - Idol Cannibal

  • This boss is very easy if you know how to play.
  • Although you can try to aim for the head with balls, it will only take half a heart per hit.
  • If you hit a warrior skeleton holding an electric ball, you get a wiring harness, you can record directly to the head, having a single heart beat.
  • If you are hit by a missile from the boss, you will be dazzled in a short period and the balls are constantly changing color.
  • If you only focus on wiring harnesses, this boss will be out before you know it.

    1. Boss 1 : Kahtiki Kahn - Old Devil Idol

    2. Boss 2 :Maga Maga - Witch Doctor

    3. Boss 3: Digo Baron - Idol Cannibal

    4. Boss 4 : Kolo Kamari - Mosquito God of Plague

    5. Boss 5 : cerebrospinal Ka - Monster of the Depths

    6. Boss 6 : Mu Zaka - The Ultimate Devil Spirit


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